Have you ever felt “called” to do something. I’m not talking about your mom calling from the kitchen up to your room reminding you to take out the trash. I’m talking a heart yearning dissatisfaction that is only sated by the fulfillment of some action. That book topic that’s bubbling in your spirit. That painting you see in your dreams. The group of people you know you need to help.
Yeah, that calling.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 ESV
It amazes me that God planted those types of callings in each one of us as he crafted our genetic codes for eye color, skin color, and gender. I can almost see His hands as they pick from every option He created. How they lovingly slip those chosen desires into our hearts and minds.
But that doesn’t mean answering the call is easy.
“In the world you will have tribulation …” John 16:33b ESV
For those who listen to the calling, there will be seasons of doubt and struggles as we fight the enemy of our souls. Did God really call me to do this or am I making all this up? That no I heard from my boss, a publisher, or my family–are they right? Is this door not one I can really open?
For those who quiet the calling in favor of other life choices, there will be a hunger deep inside that never fades. Why doesn’t the six-figure paycheck fulfill me? Why isn’t my spouse filling the needs I have? Neither road is easy. And on either path we can get lost along the way.
” … But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33c ESV
However, God is patient with us. He knows our hearts, the paths we’ve chosen. He also knows His calling for us and His timing is always perfect. So if you’ve already answered the calling and are walking in it, wonderful. Remain steadfast, face in the wind, finish your race to the end. But if you’ve brushed His desires aside and still remain unfulfilled by your choices, take some time during these days of mandated isolation to pause and feel that hunger in your spirit and soul. Ask God for direction how He would have you soothe it.
And then answer His call.