The Power of Gratefulness

Airdate 07/13/2024

Did yo know gratefulness is a super power?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

For full disclosure, I stopped watching news about five years ago. But even though I’m not under a near-constant barrage of everything that is going wrong in the world—no matter your political affiliation—I still can read between the lines of the social media posts I see from friends and acquaintances.

There’s a lot of worry out there right now. And it’s likely not going to get better as we progress through to the End Times. But that doesn’t mean we have to succumb to worry and live in fear. There is a perfect antidote, a counter to all of the worry in your life. Curious what that might be?

It’s gratefulness. Thankfulness. Gratitude. No matter what synonym you use, when you practice it, worries disappear. Don’t believe me? It’s actually a proven scientific fact. The brain can’t process both worry and gratitude at the same time. It simply cannot do it.

So if you’re battling worry and fear, first of all, turn off the TV and click out of the news sites. Then write down everything you have to be grateful for. It may be simple things like clothing, electricity, or food in your pantry. But it can also be bigger things, like air conditioning if you live in the southern United States or, on a more serious note, things like your salvation, your health, your job, your family.

Thanking God for what he’s done, doing, and will do in your life and even listing those actions by name will effectively silence the fear and worry cluttering up your thoughts and twisting your emotions. God created us as complex human beings. I’m so grateful that he also pre-installed a counter measure to help us find peace even during the greatest worries. What about you? What are you worrying about? And what are you grateful for?

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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