Battling the Mind? Change Your Perspective

Airdate 03/02/2024

When thoughts crowd your head, whose voice wins?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

We are but a breath, a vapor, in his eternity. But we are a loved, cherished, and valued breath. Because we are God’s children. Unfortunately, the world, our neighbors, our coworkers, even our friends and family can skew our understanding of God’s incredible, unfathomable, and eternal love for us.

God says, You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Your significant other says, That dress is a little too tight, don’t you think?

God says, I am renewing you every day.

Social media says, You look old, try this new skin care product.

God says, You are victorious.

Your boss says, You’re a failure.

God says, I love you.

You parent says, You give me nothing but grief.

Our minds and hearts latch onto negative statements. The enemy waters them with self-doubt, questions, and wrong ideas. Slowly God’s thoughts and feelings toward us are overwhelmed. Because how can we believe what God says about us if everyone else is saying the opposite?

It’s not called the Battlefield of the mind for nothing. But you can be victorious. You can see yourself as God sees you. Loved, whole, cherished, wanted. When we choose to believe God’s word about us. Choose to embrace his love for us in spite of what any human has said. Then we can silence those critical voices and God can heal our wounded hearts.

So how do we combat criticisms, even the ones couched in good intentions? It’s not easy, especially if you’ve heard them most of your life. But changing your perspective is the first step. Look at the source of these comments, criticisms, and judgments. Are they convictions coming from the ultimate truth teller who loves you perfectly? Or are they condemnations from another scarred, wounded, or insecure human being?

Changing your perspective isn’t easy. But once you can see the source more clearly, you’re on your way to living in the truth that you are loved totally, completely, and perfectly. And that is worth every bit of the fight.

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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    The Conversation

  1. Treva Corke says:

    I really liked this one Felicia! Thank you!