
Airdate 02/10/2024

Do you have joy?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

My word for 2024 is Joy. And as I look around the world and the events and tragedies of the day, joy seems nowhere to be found. So it’s a very good thing it doesn’t come from the world. No, joy, true joy, comes from God.

The apostle Paul prayed over the Roman church, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

When you hear his words, his prayer, how did you react? Did your heart sing with longing and rejoicing?

Or did you shrug, look around, and say “Joy? Hope? Peace? That’s impossible. You don’t know what’s going on in my life.”

But friend, that’s the amazing thing. God does know what’s going on in your life. He knows how many hairs you have (or don’t have) on your head. When you are in pain or broken, that’s when he’s the closest to you. If you feel like it’s impossible to feel joy, hope, or peace in your circumstances, remember God is a God of the impossible. He parted the Red Sea when there was no other avenue of escape for the Israelites. He turned water into wine. He died and three days later was resurrected. And he rose to heaven. As Jesus himself said, “Nothing is impossible with God.”

If you think there’s no way you can have joy in your situation, ask God to do the impossible and give it you. Then believe he will do it and watch him show off. It may not be the joy you expect. But you will feel it. And he will chuckle when you say with awe and wonder, “That’s impossible.”

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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