Living Hope

Airdate 04/06/2024

What do you do with your living hope?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

Spring has sprung. The cold and snow of winter have loosened their grip. Trees are budding. Tulips, jonquils, and crocuses are in bloom. And the sun suddenly feels warmer. But spring is also the time for an even more joyous occasion. Jesus’ resurrection. According to the apostle Peter in his first letter, through his death and resurrection, Jesus gave us a new birth into a living hope. That living hope unlike nature’s changing seasons, comes with an inheritance that is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading. It never dies.

Jesus’ living hope is given to us the moment we accept him as lord over our lives. It follows us through our own earthly ends, and opens the door to the promised eternity in his unending kingdom. So now that Easter Sunday is over, how do we walk out the living hope Jesus’ death and resurrection provided for us?

First off, we choose to not fall back into our old sinful behaviors. That’s not to say we won’t occasionally slip up, but instead we make the good and right choices even if they are harder. Not because we’re trying to work our way into God’s grace. But because by God’s grace, the old sins won’t taste the same. Instead of the sweetness of honey and nectar, they are like ashes in our mouths. We see our old actions for what they were, our former selves, and as new creations we no longer crave them.

Like spring’s bursts of blooms and greening of grasses, Jesus’ living hope is new life. A new outlook. And a new way of being. So go forth and live it to the fullest.

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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