Promised Seasons

Airdate 03/23/2024

Awaiting the coming spring.

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

Today is the Saturday before Palm Sunday and here in Colorado, we’re still pendulum swinging between the depths of winter and the promise of spring. But like Palm Sunday, there is promise, hope, for the coming of an expected but also new season.

For thousands of years Jews had waited in a similar manner. Living in the season of the Mosaic law, but hoping for the coming of their promised Messiah. For the one who would save them from the oppressive rule of their generations of captors. The Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Assyrians, the Romans. Picture the scene two thousand years ago. Thanks to The Chosen and movies about Jesus’ life, it’s somewhat easier to do. But take a moment and think not about the disciples or Jesus, but of the Jewish people themselves.

Some must have given up on this promise from God. Some still clung to hope. And a handful knew for certain this Jesus was indeed their long-awaited and promised Messiah. When Jesus entered Jerusalem riding an unbroken donkey under the hale of palm branches, it must have been like my glimpses of Colorado’s spring. Filled with awe, hope, and wonder. Perhaps even looking to the future and dreaming of how the Messiah would overthrow the harshness of their current season.

And yet, they too were jerked back into the throes of winter. Some by disappointment when Jesus wasn’t the conquering king they envisioned. Some by doubt when they realized he was just Joseph the carpenter’s son. And some by the devastating loss after his death on the cross.

But just like my longed-for season of Spring, their longed-for season of the Messiah did come … with his resurrection. And it will come again with his second coming. Because God always keeps his promises. For whatever season they might be.

This is Felicia Ferguson, thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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