
Airdate 10/28/2023

How do you know where you are physically and spiritually?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

Apparently, I missed the line in heaven where a good sense of direction was given out. If I don’t have a compass nearby, I have to literally look up in the sky, find the sun, remind myself it rises in the east and sets in the west, and then do a process of elimination to figure out what direction I’m going. Living in the Florida panhandle and now in the Denver area, I’m able to cheat a bit more. The Gulf was always south and the Rockies are always west, giving me another point of orientation in addition to the sun’s position. And you know what? I still struggle to know which direction I’m going most of the time. Thank God for navigations systems like Waze and Google maps.

But just as I rely on external prompts like the sun and geographical landmarks for my physical orientation, I rely on the Bible and solid biblical teaching for my spiritual orientation. I’m currently reading a study on Habbakuk and the author asked a question: Do you commit to reading God’s Word daily? And I had to seriously pause and consider my answer. The obvious one is, of course! I mean, it’s God’s word. If we want to be faithful followers of him and become who he created us to be then reading the Bible should be a high priority for our spiritual orientation. But is it always?

Prior to starting this study, the last time I sat down and read large swaths of scripture was last year when I was a co-leader of a monthly online Bible study. I started to feel guilty, but then God reminded me of another spiritual landmark in my faith walk. I receive an email devotion every morning and when I wake up, that’s the first thing I read. At the end of every devotion is a verse that relates to the message. And I always pause after I read it and wait to hear God speaking about it before I move forward. Reading and pausing to listen grounds me much like looking at the Gulf or the Rockies and I have a better sense of my direction.

How do you find and maintain your spiritual direction? Is it through prayer, biblical meditation, spending time in the Word? No matter how you orient yourself, make sure it’s a priority. It will keep your path straight and provide a lamp for your feet.

This is Felicia Ferguson, thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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