Super Powers

Airdate 06/03/2023

Did you know you're a superhero?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you Build Faith for the Journey

Did you know that we mere humans actually do have a super power? No, it’s not telepathy or teleportation, or shape shifting. It is our free will. Our ability to choose. We can choose to make one decision over another. To take this path or that one. To move instead of remain in the same spot. To heal instead of wallowing in our woundings.

We can choose to believe God is good even when our past experiences may scream the exact opposite.

When we experience loss, betrayal, or abuse, our human nature can question God’s nature. We can wonder, is he truly good? Can this really be his plan for my life? Does he truly love me? Doubt is part of our humanity from the time Eve listened to Satan’s insinuations back in the Garden of Eden. “Hath God said?”

But our experiences don’t change God’s innate character. He is still loving. Still faithful. Still good. And still good to us, his children.

So when those times of doubt come, when those trials and hurts feel overwhelming, we need to exercise our super power and choose to believe what is true.

Choose to believe God is good. Choose to believe he loves us. Choose to believe has good plans for us and that he can and will use even the worst of our situations for good.

And then one day, we’ll see what the psalmist saw. The goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I’m Felicia Ferguson; thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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