Changing Seasons

Airdate 10/07/2023

Natural and life seasons change in the blink of an eye. How can we make the most of them?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

A friend and I recently went leaf peeping in Breckenridge and Vail to hopefully experience the beginning of the color change here in Colorado. We were a few days too early, but what we did see was promising. When I lived in Florida, the only changing colors we experienced were those of the license plates attached to the visiting cars. Southern tags from Georgia, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas changed to ones from Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Ontario, and Quebec as southerners ended their summer stays and snowbirds descended into their winter habitations.

Whether it’s leaf or license plate changes, both are signposts to me of the onset of a new season. Like nature, we humans have seasons in our lives. Seasons of singlehood. Of marriage. Of parenthood. Even of friendships. But seasons can melt away as quickly as the leaves fall from the trees if we’re not paying attention. Children are born and graduate from high school in a blink, sometimes leaving parents at sea as they return to primarily being spouses instead of parents. Employees can sit down at their desks one day, then celebrate their retirement in what seems like a moment later. And goodness, weren’t the 90’s just last week and not thirty years ago?

Since time is so intangible and seasons do disappear so fast, how can we make the most of them? I believe we should be aware of the signposts and take a moment to simply sit back and appreciate them for what they are. Markers that one season has come to a close and a new one has arrived. We can celebrate what’s coming and mourn that which we bid goodbye. But either way, taking a moment to pause and hold the march of time still even just for a moment gives us an opportunity to make the most of our days and seasons. So as the leaves or licenses plates change where you are in the coming weeks, make sure to stop and appreciate not just the coming fall, but also the seasons that are changing in your life as well.

This is Felicia Ferguson, thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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