Fighting Doubt with Faith

Airdate 08/12/2023

When the going gets rough, the tough fight with faith.

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time, you’re familiar with the story of Adam and Eve. How satan tempted Eve in the garden with the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and how she and Adam ate it, disobeying God’s mandate to NOT do that exact thing. And thus started humanity on the road we’re now on.

The interesting thing to me is that yes the original sin was disobedience, but Satan opened the door to it with doubt. Think about the temptation. He asked Eve a question, Hath God said?  And with that question, she began to question God, creating doubt about him and his nature that never existed before. And that doubt has plagued humanity ever since. Think about it. Non-believers doubt God is real. Believers doubt he really loves us. Both groups can doubt he is good. That he’s really interested in our lives.

And before we chalk all that doubt up to our inability to see him, think back to Adam and Eve’s experience. God walked with them daily in the garden of Eden. They heard his voice, looked at him in whatever form he took—which was very likely human. God was real to them. And yet, they still doubted.

When times of doubt come—and they always will—how can we deal with them? I believe the best way is to think and say the exact opposite of what of our emotions, our experiences, even our friends and family are thinking and saying. Think about God’s goodness in the past. Remind yourself of how he’s come through for you, whether it’s an answered prayer or an unexpected blessing. If you can’t think of any of things for yourself, you can lean on others’ experiences and trust that if God came through for them, he will come through for you. And when we focus on God’s goodness and the truth of his nature, doubt, like Satan has to flee.

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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