Flocking Together

Airdate 07/08/2023

Who is your company?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

We’ve all heard the old adage, birds of a feather flock together. It’s trite and a little admonishing. But it’s also true. The company we keep does impact us. Our actions. Our thoughts. Our words. We become like those we spend time with.

If we want to change ourselves, sometimes we must change the company we keep.

One day I was sitting and writing in a Panera and a group of ladies a few tables over began discussing a topic. I caught a few words like “prayer” and “King David” and “Psalm” and each lady had an open Bible. It was obviously a small group Bible study. As a Christian, my heart warmed and I smiled, grateful to see women talking about God together in a public setting. I went back to my work, but a few minutes later, the conversation changed. I heard words like “concerned” and “doctor” and “waiting to hear.” Study had moved to prayer requests.

And then the women joined hands, bowed their heads, and prayed. I have no memory of what they said, only the sensation that the atmosphere at their table had changed. As I bowed my head and joined their prayers, the atmosphere in our local Panera continued to change.

Not everyone felt it. The room didn’t break out in a prayer or praise revival. But my heart did. Where I was feeling at sea, I now felt buoyed. Where I felt weak, I was now empowered. The company I kept changed me. For the better.

What company are you keeping? Does it support you and improve your life? Or does it drain you and make you feel hopeless? You have the power to choose your friends, so as my old professor would say, Choose wisely. Choose well. Because birds of feather do flock together.

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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