Listening to Holy Spirit Nudges

Airdate 11/25/2023

What happens when you follow a Holy Spirit nudge?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

Have you ever had a nudge to do something that made absolutely no sense, but you knew you absolutely had to do it? Maybe it was to turn right instead of left when you were driving somewhere and you later learned you avoided a bad accident. Maybe the nudge was to eat at a different restaurant than you originally planned and you ended up talking with someone who needed to hear your story.

For a friend of mine, her nudge was to help a homeless couple. She works at a local bar in an area that sees more than its share of homeless people. As a single woman, she’d learned to be cautious. Past experience told her that some panhandlers made more money than she did and others could be dangerous as they outwardly battled inner demons. But when she looked at this couple, an insistent nudge pulled at her spirit. Listen to them. Help them. She didn’t feel obligated or guilted. She just felt peace and knew it was the right thing to do in that moment.

As she talked with them, she learned the couple had lost their business during Covid. That spiraled to losing their house and living out of their car. Then the car needed repairs they couldn’t afford and so they sold it, leaving them to live on the streets for the past two months.

Humbled by their story, my friend bought them dinner at the bar, put them up in a hotel for the night, and brought them food for the next morning. It wasn’t a permanent fix, but in that moment, my friend knew God was using her to love on this couple. To give them hope.

As she recounted the story, awe filled her voice. The couple’s own amazement, their restored hope, and even their renewed sense of dignity blessed my friend. She doesn’t know what happened beyond that time, but in reality the future doesn’t matter. The moment did. She was nudged. She listened. And God used her to bless someone.

As Paul told the Corinthians, I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. Next time you feel a Holy Spirit nudge, listen to it. Blessings will come from it—for you and maybe even for someone else.

This is Felicia Ferguson, thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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