What’s Happening?

Airdate 11/18/2023

When everything is scattered, who do you look to?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you build faith for the journey.

In my move to my new home there have been a few adjustments. I’ve gone from a one story, three-bedroom house to a top floor one-bedroom apartment. And I’ve actually enjoyed the downsizing and getting my belongings pared down to what I truly love and need. The smaller space and ability to lock and leave fits my longing to simplify my life.

But getting a notice that the complex would be conducting a fire alarm testing–complete with strobing lights–for the majority of a Monday was not news I wanted to get. I work from home and had a zoom call scheduled for that day. But I was most concerned about my thirteen-year-old furchild.  She is unnerved by loud noises in general, so alarms and lights and strange people walking into her home would absolutely unglue her. We would have to leave for the day.

Despite having advanced notice of the testing and knowing I would need to take Lillie somewhere before the alarms started, I still overslept that morning. Then I got a call from a friend. Suddenly it was 8:30, the testing started at 9, and I still hadn’t eaten breakfast, let alone gotten changed out of my loungewear.

I hurriedly got ready, shoved down some breakfast, and grabbed my laptop and the furchild’s leash. All the while, she followed me around the apartment. Her eyes tracking my every move. She was worried, unsure what was happening. And yet there was an element of trust that no matter the problem, her fur-mom knew what it was and she was safe. She knew I would take care of her.

As we drove to my uncle’s house to squat for the day and use his internet, it hit me. Isn’t our relationship with God supposed to be like that? God knows the events of our day, both good and bad. But how often do we stick close to him trusting him to take care of us like Lillie trusted me? Be honest. Do you look at the circumstances and freak out? Or do you look to him and trust he’ll keep you safe despite them?

I only knew what was happening for us that day. God knows what’s happening that day, that week, that month, that year, and the rest of our lives. What if we were more like my fur child and simply trusted he’s got everything under control? That he’ll be with us every moment even when and maybe especially when we have no idea what’s happening? How would our lives be different? How would we grow in our faith and trust in him? The next time the world around you is confusing or even crashing down around you, look up. Trust your heavenly father that he’s got it all figured out and you’ll ultimately be safe no matter what happens in the moment.

This is Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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