Speak Life

Airdate 06/24/2023

How do you talk to yourself?

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This is Felicia Ferguson with Christian Mix 106, helping you Build Faith for the Journey.

A few weeks ago, I went to a local chain breakfast place. When the time came to give a name for the order, the cashier didn’t ask for my first or even my last name. She asked for my dream job. I, of course, said, bestselling author.

And when my order was ready, that’s exactly what was called. I grinned and my heart leapt a bit in my chest. Because that truly is my dream job—for many reasons. But after I went back to my table and dug into my grits and hot chocolate, I watched my fellow patrons as they retrieved their orders. As calls for teacher, astronaut, police officer, meteorologist, archeologist, and others came from the lips of the cashier, customers rose. Like me, they smiled. Some wide, some just a slight twitch of their lips. But they also glowed under that dream title. And that glow got me to thinking. The cashiers were speaking life over us and into us.

Humanity seems hardwired to find fault, to dismiss, to condemn, to doubt our dreams and our worth. And that can lead us to question God’s heart and his plans for our good. But what would happen if all of those customers, if all of us, consistently spoke our dreams, spoke life, spoke God’s promises over ourselves every day. Would those small smiles widen? Would the grins become permanent? Would that glow burn brighter?

And how would our view of ourselves and of God change? So the next time you’re tempted to question or condemn yourself and others instead speak life. Speak those dreams. Speak those promises from God. Then watch for the glow. And savor the change.

I’m Felicia Ferguson. Thanks for listening to Christian Mix 106.

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